Well, what is it about the holidays? I found myself in the hospital for contractions the day before Halloween, and now again right before Thanksgiving. This child is determined to be here for Christmas I think, but hopefully I am more stubborn than he is. I went to the hospital yesterday to be evaluated for frequent contractions again that my medication wasn't taking care of the way it usually does. When IV fluids, medication, and rest failed to stop them, they decided to keep me overnight. Contractions slowed down to about every 15 minutes overnight (from 3-5 minutes during the entire day), but then picked back up again after I woke up this morning, so they kept me longer. By 2pm, they had finally slowed down enough to make the doctor and staff comfortable with letting me go home. My cervix has not changed at all from last time, so that is very good news, but we all know that can change very very quickly. My previous "modified" bed rest has been upgraded to stict bed rest with bathroom priviledges only. I receieved the first of two steroid injections this morning to mature Luke's lungs in case he comes early. I'll get the second tomorrow. Isaac benefitted from these, I'm sure, so I'm thankful to get them for Luke. Through all of this, I wasn't able to see Isaac at all. Due to the H1N1 epidemic, children under the age of 12 who are not patients are not allowed in the hospital. This was the first night I've ever been away from him since he was born. That was the hardest part for me.
So, we are back to taking this one day at a time. I am 28 weeks today, and our goal is 34 weeks minimum (the point at which Isaac was born), but ideally 36 weeks or beyond.
So many times over the last 24 hours, I have thought about how difficult and frustrating this all is, especially around the holidays and with a 2 year old who wants his Mommy to play with him. Several people have commented to me lately that, after all of this, surely this is my last pregnancy. And honestly, I have voiced that very thing many times lately. At this point, there is very little I enjoy about pregnancy. I have just not had a very good experience with pregnacy this time or last. But then, I look at Isaac, and I think about little Lucas as he's wiggling around, already showing lots of personality. And I know that all of this is completely worth it in the end. A relatively short period of inconvenience and discomfort for me, but the result is wort it all and more. I know there are certainly risks involved, but I think the potential benefits ultimately outweigh the risks. And I am blessed to have wonderful doctors (I now have 4 great doctors from my clinic that I have made the rounds with and are familiar with me and looking after me), not to mention all the wonderful support and prayers from family and friends. I know we'll get through this pregnancy just as we did the last. And I am no where near ready to say that I know for certain that this will be my last. We'll just cross that bridge if or when it comes. Right now, my focus is on little Lucas only, and giving him the best chance possible of having a warm welcome to this world.
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers that we continue to ask for.
Harvey Dent {07/21/2013 - 06/10/2024}
8 months ago
So glad you are finally home Julie! Keep up the great work and have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.
Home, yay! I guess we won't see you on Thanksgiving, but no oven-roasted turkey can compare to the little bun in your oven! You keep on keepin' on, and keep him in there until he's just right. Okay?
Its funny - someone asked me if this was your last pregnancy after having all the problems... I told them "I dont see this stopping Julie at all!"... but cross that bridge when you get it...
And just know I'm sure God is working on you with patience & understanding & slowing down - & tons of other messages while you are down for awhile... Keep that heart open to everything HE's showing you through little Luke's life!
Love you both... & I have a feeling, this boy is going to be just like Ricky with that energy... WATCH OUT!!!! :)
I say you should blame the thesis!
Hey Julie, We love you. I wanted to tell you that Linnea had two troubled pregnancies. Although looking back, the second one with Jonnie wasn't that bad. We didn't have the benifit of your medical knowledge and care. So we listened to our fears and those of the nay-sayers around us and we cut it off too soon. Sadly we lost Jonnie at 16 months. Since we had cut it off, we were unable to have another baby. I have always deeply regretted that. It took the adoption of the twins many years later to fill a hole in our hearts.
So don't listen to nay-sayers.
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