Yay, we made it to 25 weeks, and still holding steady, sort of. My new meds got doubled already yesterday because I was having very frequent contractions breaking through. The Nifedipine seems better than the Terbutaline so far, though it's not without it's side effects too, just not as severe. It is regularly prescribed as a treatment for angina. It causes a decrease in blood pressure, and I am feeling that. I get dizzy very easily when standing too quickly or doing much of anything. I get headaches and nausea occasionally. My gums bleed profusely when I brush my teeth - seriously, the sink looks like a blood bath when I'm through, it's quite disturbing. But I think my body will eventually adapt. The terbutaline was worse. But, as the doctors tell me, there is no perfect medicine. My doctor did recommend I get regular prenatal massages to help me relax - that sounds about as perfect a medicine as there is, so I think I'll take her up on that prescription. Today has been a somewhat decent day as far as contractions go. Still had plenty, but nothing like the last two days, since I increased my dosage. Though they do start acting up about an hour or so before my next 6-hour dose is due. I just wish my uterus could chill out already.
Our tv decided to go out today - blew a bulb or something like that. Of course, as soon as I end up on bed rest and can't leave the house, our only tv goes out. And Geek Squad can't get around to coming out here to look at it for a week, then have to order the part and wait on that (Amanda, think you can look into that for me? haha). So, that just gave Steve an excuse to go buy a brand new 23" computer monitor. Since the tv is normally hooked up to his computer anyway, and we watch tv through the media center on that, we just replaced the tv with the new monitor for the time being. He wanted a new monitor for hooking the laptop up to anyway, so now he just had an excuse to buy it sooner than later. It's remarkably smaller than our 50" screen, but it'll do. But it was a nice day with no tv today. I spent a good part of the day sitting outside in the beautiful sunshine watching Isaac play in the backyard - things like this I miss being at work everyday. I've spent much of the week working on a paper for work that will be submitted for publication tomorrow, so that has kept me quite busy. Darlene has been the best mother-in-law anyone could ask for. She has cooked, cleaned, done 10 loads of laundry in two days, done the dishes, changed diapers, fed Isaac, put him down for his nap, played with him, gotten him out of trouble numerous times, and kept me company. I don't know what I'd do without her. I can't figure out how I survived bed rest when I was pregnant with Isaac without her.
Thank you all for you prayers. I'm so thankful for another week!!
Harvey Dent {07/21/2013 - 06/10/2024}
9 months ago
YIPEE for making it another week!!!!
Can you believe the TV went out? Did Steve SCREAM!!!???? Those big monitors are super nice though, arent they!
Isnt it awesome how Darlene is there this time around... perfect timing! I'm so thankful she's there for you too... I cant imagine how you'd do it with Isaac & having to stay down! BIG hug to Darlene!!!
Love you!!!!
Wohoo!! Keep on baking, lil Lucas! I'm glad to hear the side effects with your new medicine aren't as horrible as the last and you should definitely leap at the opportunity for prenatal massage! By the time the baby gets here Darlene will have deserved a few too!
YEAH! Another week of in the womb growth!!
I am so thankful that Darlene is there helping you with Isaac and all the day to day stuff that no one notices until its not done!
Keeping you and Luke in my prayers.
Love you!
Hey Julie,
You have been in my thoughts and prayers all day long. The little girls know about baby Luke and how he wants to come out too soon. They pray for him every night before they go to bed.
So glad to hear that you are doing ok. Keep up the good work. Don't forget - what you're doing is the most important. Don't feel guilty!
I'm glad you have support as you go through this tough time. I was on bedrest for three months with my son 17 years ago (preterm labor) and took terbutalin (sp?). On the bright side-you have the Internet! (I did not :(
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