Well, this is the week I started having problems in my pregnancy with Isaac and was put on bed rest. I can't believe it started so much earlier this time. I just hope that doesn't mean Luke will come earlier than Isaac did. Hopefully, my doctors and I am more aware of what's going on this time around and we can delay as long as possible. I think the boys must think this is some sort of race. Luke is already feeling the competition and wants to beat his older brother at something. I just hope he realizes that the goal is to bake longer than his brother did, not the other way around.
My doctor's appointment this week was pretty uneventful! I got there to find out that my regular doctor was sick, so they scheduled me with another. At first, I was disappointed, because I had really wanted to talk to my doctor about some things. But, then it turned out that they had scheduled me with the same doctor who had seen me at the hospital a couple weeks ago. This doctor was actually trained by my doctor who had delivered Isaac (she has since moved to South America), whom I adored. So, I feel incredibly priviledged to now have 2 wonderful doctors that know my case well and are keeping an eye on me. This is really important to me, because I was originally very distraut over having to find a new doctor when my old one moved away. So, anyway, she checked the status of my cervix once again, and there has been no change since my hospital visit. That is great news. She reminded me that I am not yet considered to be in pre-term labor, these are just pre-term contractions and they can be controlled. At the same time, she also pointed out that since my cervix is very weak at this point, I do need to be very aware and take it very easy. Since I doubled my medication, it has been working very well to hold off contractions. The side effects have lessened some, although I still experience severe dizziness and lightheadedness for an hour or two after taking it. But those side effects only continue to remind me that I need to be taking it easy. I also finally got vaccinated for H1N1 flu! I don't think I've ever been more excited about a shot in my life.
I received permission from my doctor to give my final presentation for a teaching class I have been taking this semester. I was given specific instructions to only go if I was having a good day with contractions, if I took my medicine right before leaving, if I had someone drive me, and if I promised to do nothing else prior or after. I was having a good day that day, so I got to complete the final assignment for the course. It went very well. But I do think it might have been a bit much for me, as contractions started up pretty heavy that evening and the next morning. This only served as a reminder of the importance of bed rest. However, after spending a couple hours at the spa yesterday, thanks to a good friend, getting a relaxing facial and pedicure, they seem to be under control once again.
Through all of this, I don't think Luke has a clue that anything in his world is out of order. He has been quite the active little boy this week. He has enjoyed spending the days, and nights, butting his head into my hip and kicking me in the stomach and ribs. He's also had the hiccups quite frequently. I have definitely noticed that he has grown quite a bit. His space is getting more and more cramped. So, he seems to be doing quite well.
Again, thank you for your continued prayers. We're getting closer and closer. Which reminds me, Christmas will be here before we know it! I better get on my online shopping!
Harvey Dent {07/21/2013 - 06/10/2024}
8 months ago
Glad you got that presentation behind you...
time to take it easy now... let everyone cook for you for Thanksgiving & let Steve put up the Christmas tree & you just sit back & order where everything goes!
love you!!!!
Hey Julie,
We love you. We will come over for Thanksgiving. We will take over your house and you will not have to lift a finger.
The little girls pray every single night that baby Luke stays in until it is time to come out.
Larry and Linnea
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