I have just been introduced to the wonderful world of Cloth Diapers (aka, CDs). Now, I know what most of you are thinking, probably the same thing I would have thought a couple weeks ago when hearing reference to cloth diapers. You're picturing those rectangular thin pieces of cloth that your grandmother still uses as dish cloths that you have to pin to your baby using sharp pointy pins that become dangerous instruments when mixed with a squiggly little baby with paper thin skin; also the thought of endless laundry of stinky poopy diapers and leaky thin cloth leading to wet clothes and unhappy baby. Well, cloth diapers have come a looooooong way since then, and are actually as convenient as disposables (aka, sposies) these days. Just check out this site - Cotton Babies. What first led me on my newest quest for cloth? Well, as many of
you know, I am a member of an online community of women, all of whom had babies due the same month Isaac was due. We have been friends for about a year now and have shared many great tips, advice, and experiences with each other from pregnancy, to breastfeeding, to raising our little ones. Well, one of my friends on this board recently noticed when she changed her baby's disposable diaper, there were chunks of gel all over her his skin, so she asked if any of the rest of us girls had seen this and knew what it was. Well, many other girls had noticed this too. After some research, we discovered that this gel is actually a high absorbency gel that all sposies have in them that can hold 100 times it's weight in liquid. This is what makes sposies so incredibly absorbent. However, this gel is made from a combination of toxins, one of which, dioxin, is one of the most cancer causing toxins there is. This toxin is actually banned in many countries, but not the US. Here is one of many links listing some of it's dangers - http://www.howstuffworks.com/framed.htm?parent=question207.htm&url=http://www.thediaperhyena.com/diaper_drama_scene3_health.htm. I don't want this on my baby, he's already exposed to plenty of things everyday that are harmful (a recent study was published showing that many of the baby bath and lotion products such as Johnson and Johnson contain extremely high levels of carcinogenic toxins, but that's a whole other story), and I know I can't protect him from everything, but this is something he is constantly in contact with. Then, there is the fact that sposies cost us $22 for a 2 week supply, which is outrageous, and that cost will go up a few $'s with each size up he goes until he is potty trained. So, I began my research on CDs, with the help of several friends who only use cloth. I was amazed at what I found. CDs are so much more convenient than they used to be, and almost just as important, they are very fashionable, and are just as cute as can be!! They are many different kinds, and so, of course, I wanted to start out by trying out several different kinds. There are All in Ones (AIOs), which are just like a disposable, they have a thick absorbent layer built right into a cute waterproof cover. There are pockets, which have an absorbent insert (think giant maxi pad) that stuffs into a pocket built into a cute waterproof cover. Many pocket diapers also come in One Size with adjustable snaps so that you won't have to buy different sizes as your baby grows, saving you tons of money. There are fitteds, which are basically a clothe diaper in the shape of a disposable, with snaps or velcro, that you cover with your choice of many adorable waterproof covers. And finally, the cheapest option are prefolds, which are similar to the old fashioned rectangular cloths that have a thick middle layer, and you fold them and hold them together with a snappi (which is a plastic little clip that replaces the old fashioned sharp pins), and then you fashion it with an adorable cover. And you can also use woolies as covers, which are, you guessed it, knitted wool covers! Another whole new window of knitting opportunities!!! Now, many of these diapers are extremely pricey, we're talking as cheap as $1 a piece for prefolds and $12 for their covers up to $35 for a single custom made diaper that can have your babies name embroidered on it along with your favorite team's logo. People have gotten incredibly creative with these things. Many work-at-home moms make and sell customizable diapers from their homes. While the initial investment may be high, these diapers never have to be replaced, can be used over and over, sometimes will fit your baby from infant through potty training (if they are one sized), can be used on future children, and then there are thousands of diaper swapper communities online where you can sell your clean, gently used diapers and cover. I have begun my journey by trying out some of these gently used diapers as well as some brand spankin’ new ones. As for the extra laundry, I find I spend maybe 15 minutes extra a week on diaper laundry - you just have to toss them in, turn on the washer, add in a tiny bit of dish soap, and dry them. You never even have to touch them if you put them in a washable laundry bag - just dump them and bag all into wash. And with breastfed poop (sorry if this sounds gross), it is completely water soluble and the washing machine will just wash it away (once he starts eating solids, it may be more beneficial to dump in the toilet first, but we aren't there yet). Also, many of the new CDs out there have fleece linings which wicks away the moisture from babies skin and significantly reduces the incidence of diaper rashes when compared to sposies. But to top it all off, oh my goodness, these things are so much fun to buy!! There are soooo many cute ones out there (just google bum genius, fuzzy bunz, kissaluvs, to see a few). I have begun dipping into my yarn budget for these, they are seriously as much fun as yarn!
Here are some pics of Mr. Isaac's fluffy butt sporting his new CDs (some of the covers are a bit big and bulky, but are still perfectly functional and he will grow into them, and they should fit him up to potty training). I've found the pocket diapers to be the most convenient, once you stuff the insert in the pocket (takes a couple seconds), it goes on just like a disposable in one step. We have some of the bum genius one size pocket diapers, pictured above, coming in today or tomorrow - I'm soooo excited!! I never in a million years thought I'd be a clothe diapering mommy.
Here he is wearing a fitted with clouds before the cover was put on
Here he is wearing a prefold held with a snappi before the cover was put on
You have truly turned into a mom - giving up yarn stash money??? And claiming they're EVEN BETTER than yarn? OH MY - I've got to catch my breath on that one!
The little man looks too cute though! We'll have to get him a UK cover!
Speaking of yarn & these - I had a friend who wrote up a pattern for a knitted diaper cover - I'll have to see if I can get that from her & start knitting up some.
Who would've ever thought diapers could be so much fun! I'll definately be coming to you for diaper advice if I ever have any kids of my own.
You'll have to let me know how these work. I've been curious about cloth diapers, but I've not been convinced that they ward off diaper rash as well as disposable diapers. But on the NFP board I post at, many of the mothers love cloth diapering. So I'm very, very interested. Keep us posted!
Okay, did I hear knitting opportunity here? Diaper covers???? I think this opens up a whole new realm of knitting fun! And what a cutie... such big smiles!!!!
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