My first published article -, not that anyone will find this remotely interesting unless you are researching immune responses following burn injury...
Ok, the honest truth, Tracy, my mentor wrote most of this and did most of the research behind it, but having a student (me) be first author would be beneficial to her credentials, so we both got to benefit from stamping my name on this one. We are submitting another one next month that I am currently writing on as you read this that better warrants my name first.
It's funny, I was just doing some background research online for this current paper and came across an article whose title peaked my interest, as it sounded very similar to what I am writing. I click on the link, and lo and behold, there is my name!! It was my paper! I had completely forgotten that it came out last month.
Now I'm a real scientist!! Woohoo!!
* I am aware that you have to subscribe in order to read the paper, but I absolutely do not expect anyone to read it anyway, as it puts even me to sleep and you'd have to be in the field to be at all interested.
Harvey Dent {07/21/2013 - 06/10/2024}
8 months ago
Congratulations.... isn't nice to get a "prize" for all your hard work?! Way to go!!!!!!
That's cool. :)
We're proud of you - even if we dont understand a word of it!
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