Luke had his 4 month check-up last week. I still can't believe he is that old, yet at the same time, I can't imagine what life was like before he was born. He's doing so well. And he is still the best baby in the world! He's rarely fussy, he's always smiling and giggling, and he loves everyone. He weighed in at 11 lbs and 12oz and 22" long. He's a bit smaller than Isaac was at this age (13 lbs), but I think I was probably force-feeding Isaac, because I was always worried about his weight, being a preemie. But, this time around, I have certainly chilled out quite a bit. I think my more relaxed nature and my confidence this time around has a lot to do with Luke's easy-going demeanor. He doesn't get overy gassy, refluxy, or irritable because he's getting just what he needs and isn't being forced to take in more than he can tolerate. He may be on the small side, but the doctor is pleased with his growth. He's in the 25%-ile for his adjusted age (and 5%-ile for his actual age which is great!). He looks perfectly healthy and is on par developmentally, even more so than Isaac was at this age. He is cooing and lauging and 'talking' all the time. Isaac was much less verbal at this age, which may coincide with his slow verbal development he currently exhibits. Luke has grown right out of his 3 month clothes and is now wearing 6 months clothes, and is growing out of some of his small diapers. And I'm proud to say, he has been in cloth diapers 100% of the time for the last 2 months. I'm especially thankful for that with the new, controversial Pampers Dry Max diapers that have replaced ALL of the Pampers disposables, which were the only disposables I have ever been happy with. The new Dry Max version are advertized as being ultra absorbant and ultra thin, compared to the older styles, but thousands of mothers have reported serious chemical burns and rashes associated with the new version. I am frustrated that, due to this, when we travel to Oregon next month, I'm going to have to find a disposable diaper I am comfortable with or pack a suitcase with my cloth diapers and wash them all at the Schweighardt house, which I'm sure they wouldn't mind. We shall see. I am actually concerned that Isaac's little butt won't be able to hold up his pants without a cloth diaper.
Which brings me to another discussion - potty training. Things have digressed in this area, I'm sad to say. Isaac is still no closer to wearing underwear. He hates them. He refuses to let me near him with them. They even have one of his favorite cartoon characters - Super Why - on them. I think he's also getting sick of hearing us ask him over and over, "Do you have to go peepee in the potty??", so now he automatically says "Noooooooo" everytime we

I also have not updated on my Dad and Rebecca's visit. We had a blast while they were here. Rebecca, who should be a photographer, tookd some amazing pictures. I've uploaded her album for you to see if you missed them when she and I posted them all over facebook. We had a blast at the beach, strawberry picking, and of course, Dad couldn't leave without taking Isaac skating again! They had such a blast. Isaac is best buds with his Pappy, and I can tell that Luke will be as well. Next up - our trip to Portland and Kennewick, WA for a science conference and to visit Joe's sister Gillian and her family, including little Misses Audrey and Bailey, who are nearly the same age as Isaac and Luke. It's going to be a blast!

1 comment:
I love it fantastic post diapers for babies
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