Well, I felt it was time to redesign this blog. I'm still working out some tweaks in the layout. I know I haven't posted in a while. As it turns out, trying to finish my expriments for my dissertation, being a wife and mom to two through and through Mama's boys doesn't leave much time to blog, or even eat some days. Life has been crazy busy the last month. Luke got baptized the end of last month. That was a very special day. He wore the same knitted blue sweater that I made for Isaac when he was baptized. Then there was Easter, when Luke got to dress up like an Easter bunny and we went to a plethera of both Catholic and Protestant church services to celebrate the rising of our Lord. Then, Uncle Joe came down for a visit while working at the Toyota plant in San Antonio for the month. Last weekend, we took a trip down to San Antonio to see him and enjoy some time in the city. Along the way, we took a side trip through some small towns with some beautiful wild flowers. We were able to get a few shots of a field along the side of the highway full of blue bonnets, buttercups, Indian paintbrush, among many other unknown types of flowers, but we just couldn't get close enough for my satisfaction. Then, while driving through the small town of Sanguin, TX, we spotted a small cemetery off the main highway that was full of gorgeous flowers. It turned out to be the perfect setting for a photo shoot. It was so peaceful and fragrant there. We could have stayed all day and enjoyed ourselves. Then we headed into the city and dined at our favorite Italian restaurant on the River Walk, where we passed by a couple exchanging wedding vows. Spring was definitely in the air. It was Luke's first trip away from home, and he did fantastic.
I have seriously been blessed with the best baby any mother could ask for, especially a working mom with a toddler in the terrible 2's and more on my plate than I can sometimes handle. He is the easiest baby I could have ever imagined existed. He rarely cries, unless he's not being held. He is never fussy or colicky like Isaac was at this age. He eats well, though he has been resisting the bottle lately and just waiting on Mama to get home, but who can blame him? He has been sleeping through the night for well over a month now. We co-sleep, so that I can get as much sleep as absolutely possible, so if he does wake up, I don't have to even get out of bed to feed him. Although, even if he does wake during the night, it's never for longer than 5 or 10 minutes. When we go out, he either sleeps the entire time, or hangs out all cozy in the slin
This week will be another crazy week. I'm in the middle of teaching a portion of a course at Texas A&M University in Galveston this week. I get to teach a section on Immunology and toxins that affect the immune system. My first lecture was on Thursday, and I really enjoyed it. It's really great class this year, and I think they were able to keep up with my fast talking fairly well. The course director tells met that I have a natural gift for teaching, but I still need to work on slowing down quite a bit. What makes it more difficult for me is the fact that I am a fast speaker by nature, not just when speaking in front of a group. I've been working on it for years, and I'm not sure I'm improving much, unfortunately. On Tuesday of this week, I will celebrate my very last birthday of my 20s. How did I get this old??? I can't believe I've been an adult for over a decade now. It seems like it took an eternity to reach adulthood, and now it's breezing by so quickly. And they say it goes faster the older you get. That's a scary thought. Then, on Friday, Steven and I will celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 years. It's been an amazing 5 years. Then, the week after that, Pappy and Nanny (aka, Dad and Rebecca) are coming to visit!!! I am so excited!! They don't make too many trips down this way, so when they do come (usually just for the birth of a baby), it's a big deal! Anything that gets Rebecca on a plane has to be a big deal. I guess if we stay in Texas much longer, I'm just going to have to keep having babies to get her down here as often as I can!
So, it looks like I will have a lot to blog about in the coming weeks. I'll try to keep up. Here's some pictures of the last several weeks for you to enjoy - April 2010
I have also added the Easter pictures to the March 2010 album, along with the baptism pictures.