I just wanted to share some videos and pictures of my boys. Life sure has gotten crazy around here, but a good kind of crazy. Isaac is adapting well as a big brother, although he's finding out he can get away with a lot more now that everyone's attention isn't focused solely on him. Lucas is becoming more alert everyday. His preemie clothes are fitting him more properly now, and it won't be long before he's outgrown them and into newborn clothes. I'll be glad when his tiny little butt is big enough to fit into all those cloth diapers I have ready for him, because going throug

h a pack of 30 preemie Pampers for $9 a pack every 2 DAYS is getting expensive!! Although, that only fortells all the laundry I'm going to be doing added on top of Isaac's diapers, but at least they should hold a lot more, and of course will be much cuter.
Check out this new
photo album
Such beautiful photos. congratulations Julie!
I love that Isaac is all about loving on Luke so he can be the center of attention... my favorite part of the video is hearing his little voice, even if it IS saying "No!"
Your boys are adorable! Glad to hear that Luke is gaining weight; he is such a little peanut!
I know Rebecca is counting the days 'til she can come and visit.
Congratuations again!
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