This is Lucas today at 34 weeks and 1 day:

And there are no indicators that he will be making an appearance today. I have done it! This was our first major goal from the day I got pregnant this time: to make it past the point at which Isaac was born. I have to say, we have been a bit nervous the last couple days, wondering if every round of frequent contractions I have will be the ones to start it, but so far, they always stop after an hour or so as usual, and still no pain. I started seeing a chiropractor this week and have had 3 adjustments and some incredible masages on my mis-aligned hip that have made a huge difference. They are working to get my hip back in alignment and loosen up my round ligaments of my uterus to open my pelvis more and possibly give him more room to turn around out of breech position he's been in for over a month. I feel so amazing!! I have to recommend chirpractic care for any pregnant woman. I feel like a different person after just one week, and am in significantly less pain. I will go 3 times a week until he is born, and my insurance actually covers it, which surprised me. I've also been hitting the pool at the gym every day or so for the last week to help lift the extra weight off my hips and pelvis, and also to give him some extra bouancy to encourage him to flip around. It has made me feel so amazing.
At yesterday's OB appt, she told me to go ahead and wean myself off my meds for contractions, because at 34 weeks they wouldn't stop me if I went into labor anyway. Which, of course I know from last time. She doesn't want to see me back for 2 whole weeks!! Right when most people are starting their weekly appointments, I get changed from weekly to 2 weeks, haha. She said since she wouldn't do anything different anyway at this point, there no sense in coming in. At 36 weeks we will see if he's still breech and discuss possibly turning him around. And if I go into labor between now and then, I have to get to the hospital ASAP because I could dilate very very fast, and if he's still breech, it would have to be a c-section, so the sooner I get there the better. I dilated from 2cm to 10cm in barely 3 hours with Isaac. Of course, there are no guarantees that he will flip out of this breech position, despite everything I'm doing to help him. Considering he has not changed position at all in over a month, despite his vigourous activity, there could be something preventing him from turning such as the umbilical cord or some other obstacle that is unclear. If that is the case, then he will have to come by c-section. Though that is far from my idea of the perfect birth experience, we'll do whatever it takes to get him here safe.
I really didn't think I would make it to this point this pregnancy. I couldn't be happier today. We are now entering uncharted territory!! I've never been this pregnant before and I have no idea what to expect with carrying a baby heavier than 4lbs 15oz!!
Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. I will update again in 2 weeks, assuming I am still pregnant, which I very much intend to be!!
Wonderful and congratulations Julie. I just knew that if anyone could do it, you could.
WOOOOHOOOO! Hang in there a little while longer and maybe you will convince him to flip. The pool...massages...alignments sound great! Holding you all up in prayer!
Love all y'alls,
YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! I didn't know I could be so excited for someone NOT having a baby...yet :) You're doing awesome, Julie! I'm so glad the chiropractic treatments and swimming are helping make you more comfortable. Now, I'll just be rooting for the little guy to flip!
Good job Mama!!!! I'm so happy for you & Lucas... prayers answered! Thank you Jesus!!!
And look at you - even being "more pregant than before" - you look beautiful!!!! All that time at the chiropractor & the pool is making you look like you're doing spa treatments :)
Hang in there... it wont be long now! :) Love you all!!!
ah, you made me get all teary. so happy for you julie. just remember not to go out shopping at, walmart was it, for underwear? ;) big hugs!
Came over from Rebecca's blog. YAY I'm so happy for you. I've been praying for you and your little baby. You look beautiful!!!
Have a Blessed day,
34 weeks and 2 days. It's a new record!!
When Joe called me this morning I'd just read this entry a couple of hours earlier. Oh, the irony!
Congratulations! Can't wait to see Luke!
Over from Rebecca's blog...
You look gorgeous! That's awesome that this baby is still hanging on in there; maybe it's just too darn cold to come out yet?
Good luck on your delivery. You will be in our prayers!
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