I can't help but laugh now as I read my last post on this blog, written the day before Lucas was born. I was so sure that day that I would still be pregnant right now. But it wasn't meant to be. At least I was able to keep him in long enough to give him the best chance, and he has done great!! A friend said to me that even though I can't seem to bake my babies long enough, I sure do bake them good. I have to agree with her. I manage to hold on to them just long enough until they can handle the rest on their own, and with God's help.
Well, today, Lucas had a follow-up weight check after not gaining anything at last week's check following his release from the NICU. He weighed in at 5lbs 1.5oz!! Of course, immediately after he came off the scale he nearly blew out his diaper. I whispered a thank you to him for holding it in until after the weight check, haha. The doctor was very pleased with his progress and the fact that he is breastfeeding like a champ now and no longer in need of bottle to supplement, making our lives much easier. He's staying awake longer and so much more alert. We're on a great night schedule that I really hope sticks, and I am much more rested and less zombie-like this week.
Isaac is really enjoying his baby brother, but still not too sue what to make of him yet. He loves to listen to Luke's gurgly grunty noises, and watch him wiggle and squirm. So far, jealousy has not been much of an issue. But Isaac sure is getting away with a lot more. It's harder than I thought it would be to keep my eye on both of them at once all the time. But I wouldn’t change a thing.