So, I'm not sure if this qualifies, because the 6th folder is actually a folder of pictures that Rebecca took and I stole them from her. Also, if you follow Rebecca's blog, you will see this very picture just a few posts down. This is my daddy with his 3 girls. It was taken when I was visiting over last summer.
If I were to skip this folder, since it technically isn't "my" picture folder, that leaves me with this pic. This is me and Isaac sitting in my very first car for the very last time :( It was a bittersweet day. I got this car when I was 17, right around the same time that I met Steve. We made a lot of memories in that car - high school, college, marriage, bringing Isaac home from the hospital. It moved with us from Arkansas, to Missouri, to Kentucky, and finally to Texas. It sufferred many scrapes and dents at my hands. But it did it's job faithfully. A car that had primarily been used for rushing to class, weekend trips home, cruising the strip, and the fun midnight runs to Waffle House during the college years had run it's course and had to be replaced with a family car - yes, a minivan. Such is the course of life. I'll never forget the times we had in this car, but now we will make new memories as a family in the new one as well. I'm going to have to go home and scan in a pic of me at 17 with this car in my Senior pictures when it was brand new to see it side by side with this one of me as a mother. Times change.

1. Kristen (she needs to update her blog anyway)
2. Rachel (need some pics of Thomas!)
3. Gillian (pics of Audrey always make me smile)
4. Erika (hoping for some pics of Asher, Elly, or Christiana!)
5. Rebecca (can I re-tag you? hehe)
6. Uhhh, I can't think of anyone else. I have no friends :(
Look how little Isaac looks!!!! YES - I did my job, I got a picture of that baby on here to see!!! Cant get enough Isaac pictures!!!
I just had to check out the Isaac picture for myself. He already looks like such a big guy with arm resting on the door!
I took the first picture. I have a photographic memory, so I remember that.
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