Just 3 months away from his first birthday *tear*, where does the time go???? I know I haven't blogged in ages, but honestly, not a lot of excitement going on around here. Although, just in the last couple of weeks, Isaac has reached some blog worthy milestones.
Nope, no crawling yet, thank the Lord, I am so not ready for a mobile baby. It won't be long though. He can go from sitting to his tummy, up on his knees, but he usually rolls onto his back and cries before he realizes he could go forward. He is attempting to pull himself to his feet with furniture, but isn't quite brave enough to follow through yet. You'll know when he does because all of his pictures will show his black eyes, bumps, and bruises he's sure to get. Probably my favorite new behavior is his newfound adoration for his Mama. Although not entirely a new revelation, he's found new ways for expressing himself. When we've been apart for any length of time, he greets me with the biggest smiles, squeels of glee, and outreached arms, reserved only for Mama. It absolutely melts my heart. Then, when he's in my arms he continues smiling at all around him, as if to say, "See, this is
my Mama, and all is right in the world now." He's also learned to hug, which sometimes ends in tears if he is overly zealous and bangs his head on my collar bone in the process. One of the downsides to this adoration however, is when Mama has to leave him, either with Daddy or with daycare, both of which are equally bad in his eyes (sorry Dada). At daycare, when it's time for me to leave, and he knows very well how the routine works, he will keep a hand on my leg or try to crawl into my lap to keep me from moving. And as I go to stand up, the tears start flowing and the arms reaching. It is so hard to walk away from him while he screaming for me to pick him up, it breaks my heart everytime. But I know it is only shortlived. As soon as he sets his eyes on a toy or teether, Mama is momentarily forgotten (that is until he gets hungry and they try to shove this silly bottle into his mouth, what is that about?).
Now, for the biggy - Isaac has said his first word - 2 days ago. Can you guess? Yes, it was "Mama". I've been working with him relentlessly for weeks, and he finally said it. I was handing him over to Daddy, and of course he didn't want to go and started whining. Then, suddenly, as clear as day, he screams, "Mama!" We both heard it, there was no denying it. Now, you may think this was a fluke, that in his panic he was just babbling, and the sound that came out sounded like Mama. I disagree for two reasons. 1) The past couple of days prior to this, he had been showing signs of understanding the meaning behind the word. If Daddy was holding him and said "Mama" to him, he would look around the room until he found me. If I were holding him and said "Mama," he would smile at me and hug me. 2) He has since repeated the word 4 times, each time when he wanted me to pick him up or rescue him from Daddy. Yay! When I first heard it, my thought was - This has got to be the greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of the world. I still believe it is.
Finally, I thought I'd leave you with a couple of pictures commemorating Isaac's 9th month, and how those pictures came to be taken. Isaac decided to play hooky yesterday. He woke me up at 1am with a raging fever. Now, he's is required to be fever-free for 24 hours before he can go to daycare, so this meant, no daycare for the day, and hence, no work for Mommy. I gave him some Tylenol and we went back to sleep. By 7am when I woke up, his fever was gone and he was perfectly fine. All day long, he seemed just fine, no fever, no fussiness, just his usual happy smiling self. So we got to have a day off, with a happy baby, instead of a sickly fussy one. We went by Babies R Us to pick up a few things, and while there, the photographer for their little photo studio was walking by and noticed Isaac's gorgeous blue eyes. She started talking to him, and he just loved her and was smiling, cooing, giggling, and trying to climb out of his stroller to get to her. This is pretty unusual for him. Lately he has been very weary of strangers. She couldn't get over his cuteness, and who could? So, she offered to take a couple of pictures of him and give us a free 5x7. How could I pass that up? Although, in the back of my mind I knew this would sucker me in to buying more prints from them, since I could never pass up cute Isaac pictures for anything. I tell you, this lady has got to be one of the best baby photographers there is. He just LOVED her. He couldn't stop smiling at her. It took us a whole 5 minutes to get these perfect smiling shots, whereas at home we can rarely capture those smiles. He wasn't wearing my favorite outfit, so we decided to strip him down to his cute diaper (I was glad he had a cute diaper on at least). I got my free 5x7 and of course bought a 5x7 of the other one and, yes, I did make sure to get some wallets of each for all you grandparents. Sorry these are fuzzy, they are scanned images.
Happy 9 Months Isaac.

GOOD! I was going to say - I've got to get some copies! Look at that smile! Honestly - he is the cutest little boy in the world!!!
And I cant believe it - finally - a baby said "Mama" instead of "dada" first! Your son loves you more :-) Tell Steve I'm joking! - we know he loves his Nanny most of all! (hehe!)
Those big blue eyes are amazing and the big smile to go with them!!
Of course Mama is the center of his world, but pretty soon he will figure out how much fun Daddy is and then there will be no end to the trouble those two can get into!!
Keep the pictures coming!!
Aww, cute. :D
He is such a cutie... and Hey... now that he has said Mama... you can start working on Nanny... as a Nanny myself I believe that should ALWAYS follow Mama!!!!!
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