Here's an abbreviated update for you:

Isaac is potty-trained, except for when he's sleeping - YAY!!!
He is also speaking so much more! He's improved in his speech 200% this summer, it is amazing.

He is also speaking so much more! He's improved in his speech 200% this summer, it is amazing.

Luke turned 7 months old yesterday. He is nearly 15 lbs (maybe more by now). He's been trying solid foods for the last month or so, and nothing strikes his interest, except for hummus. But that shouldn't be a surprise considering his brother would eat nothing by fried tofu and miso soup for months. We're taking a break from food for a while. He's happy with his milk.
Here are many many many pictures from June through July,
including the new professional pictures we had done at the beach, courtesy of Megan Thurman Photography - Check it out - our pics are even on her home page! We're famous! Also, finally you can see pictures from our trip to the Northwest in June!
Enjoy! Bohannon Album
Enjoy! Bohannon Album